SMART Community Exchange recommends SMART Solution Providers, SMART Community Council Members and Business Advisors for speaking engagements for International Events, both live and virtual, through our SMART Speakers’ Bureau. All companies in the SMART Speakers’ Bureau receive all the Multi-Media Marketing Program benefits at no additional cost.
As part of our community education initiative, the speaker series will be available to SCE Partner organizations, at no cost, to be shared with their stakeholders. SCE speakers will also be available as keynote speakers for conferences and events, through our SCE Speakers’ Bureau. Examples of some of our SMART Speakers’ Bureau past speaking engagements include:
- SMART Water Conference
- SMART Cities Connect
- SMART Cyber Conference
- Cyber Futures Conferences
- SMART Community Exchange Summit
- United Nations Development Program
- Disaster Recovery Conference
- Investing in Innovation
- World Trade Center International events
- Nordic Business Roundtable
- CIPRNA – Critical Infrastructure Protection Resilience North America
- Select USA Conferences
There are several ways to participate in the SMART Speakers’ Bureau.
Cost based on market area
- National
- Regional
- Local
Inclusion in all programs, promotion and marketing, related to your market area.

There are several ways to participate in the SMART Speakers’ Bureau and SMART Community Exchange.
SMART Solution Provider – $10,000 per year
- Share expertise and education programs on your solution.
- Advise SMART Communities , as needed.
- Become a Preferred Service/Solution Provider for the SMART Community Exchange.
- Get promotion through our Multi-Media Marketing Program
SMART Community Council– $5,000 per year
- Share expertise and education programs on your solution.
- Advise SMART Communities , as needed.
- Get promotion through our Multi-Media Marketing Program.
SMART Business Advisor- $2,500 per year
Share LOCAL expertise and education programs in your region.
- Get promotion through our Multi-Media Marketing Program.
To join the SMART Community Exchange and SMART Speakers’ Bureau, please access any of the links provided above, or for more information contact Co-Founder, Tana Torrano at ttorrano@marketvisoin.org