2024 Events

  • 2024 January – Virtual Event – 10th Annual SMART Community Exchange
  • 2024 January 31 – SMART Community Exchange – Business Roundtable in FINLAND
  • 2024 March 9-16 –  Nordic Energy Week Trade Mission to Finland and Sweden
  • 2024 May – 11th Annual SMART Community Exchange Event USA
  • 2024 May – SMART Trade Mission to the State of North Dakota, USA
  • 2024 June – Nordic Business Roundtable at SelectUSA, Annual Investment Summit, Washington, DC
  • 2024 June – SMART Trade Mission to the Nordics
  • 2024 September – 11th Annual Nordic Business Exchange Event

2023 Events

2022 Events 

2021 Events

2020 Events


For more information on our SMART Speakers Bureau – VIEW HERE