We all agree that AMERICA is the most CYBER-RELIANT NATION on the planet and America’s reliance on cyberspace, grows by the millisecond and makes it our Nation’s “Nervous System.” Cyber predators (both foreign and domestic) recognize this reliance and AMERICAN CYBER TARGET VALUES and are acting accordingly. We must move immediately beyond the objectively unmeasurable goals of infrastructure protection and security-based preparedness and reduce our target values.
SECURE AMERICA SMART-R© is a Private-Public Preparedness Partnership (P4). In this P4, infrastructure providers, businesses, communities, and local and state governments take center stage. This P4 will engage businesses, community leaders, government agencies, technical and degree granting educational institutions, and citizens by institutionalizing an objectively measurable, operationally proven, question-and-answer-based “Information Exchange” effort to build and sustain SMART-R© (SMART + Resilient) infrastructures.
- We advance deployment of SMART-R© infrastructure solutions for America and her allies
- We enhance SMART-R© infrastructure trade and cooperation for America and her allies
- We improve understanding of SMART-R© infrastructures for America and her allies
- We invest in SMART-R© infrastructure for America and her allies
- We grow SMART-R© infrastructure workforce for America and her allies
In summary, we are convinced investing in and dramatically accelerating the creation of resilient critical infrastructure(s) is the foundation for building sustainable National Security and Preparedness. We are also convinced that only by building and sustaining SMART-R© critical infrastructures will we eliminate “America’s [cyber] Achilles Heel,” and empower all Americans’ to ensure their safety, security, quality of life and future for this and generations to follow.
Preventing cyber-attacks and data breaches, requires C-Suite Executives and the Board to understand the risks to their business and the leadership required to implement the right security strategies. We invite You to join us to “Exchange Information” with other Thought Leaders and Executives committed to build and sustain SMART-R© (SMART + RESILIENT) infrastructures across the United States. To receive more information and exclusive invitations to upcoming SECURE AMERICA SMART-R© events, please email: SMARTR@SMARTCommunityExchange.com
Call to Action
We ask you to include resources for a MANUAL BACK-UP and PEOPLE CERTIFIED to OPERATE THEM for every CRITICAL AUTOMATED SYSTEM you are RELIANT UPON. The resources for such preparedness investments are squarely in the lane of the SECURE AMERICA SMART-R© partnership. We believe given America’s current infrastructure preparedness trajectory and the absence of efforts to effectively reduce their target values, surrenders the initiative to our adversaries.
Business Preparedness and Resilience, requires C-Suite Executives and the Board to understand the risks to their business. SECURE AMERICA SMART-R© for Business, is an effort to help guide Business Executives and Board Members to decide top priorities and right strategies to build and sustain SMART-R© (SMART + RESILIENT) 21 st century enterprises, organizations, and communities.
We invite your organization to join SECURE AMERICA SMART-R© information exchange. This executive-level exchange will provide you opportunities to share and learn with our community partners including other leaders and stakeholders from Enterprises, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Organizations, Educational Institutions, Community Organizations, and Government Agencies within the United States and U.S. Territories. We look forward to your participation.